Now there's a lifestyle / With painted lips / Now there's a lifestyle / Everybody wants it / But it don't exist / And I said shame...
In the dancehalls and the cinema / Shame / On the TV and the media / Shame / We loved you
Now there's a lifestyle / With fashion chic / Now there's a lifestyle / Everybody in it wants / To be elite / And I said / Now there's a lifestyle / With painted lips / Now there's a lifestyle / Everybody wants it / But it don't exist / And I said shame...
In the dancehalls and the cinema / Shame / On the TV and the media / Shame / We loved you
Now there's a lifestyle / With fashion chic / Now there's a lifestyle / Everybody in it wants / To be elite / And I said / 'You with yer brand new shoes and / You with yer greasy hair and
You with yer mother's pride and / poetry / Don't you want to feel the shame?"...
In the dancehalls / Can't you feel the shame? / And the TV / Can't you feel the shame? / We loved you... / Shame / In the dancehalls and the cinema / Shame / On the TV and the media / Shame / We loved you / At the Lido and the opera / Shame / At the races / And the theatre / Shame / We loved you.
And they said all we need is love / All we need is love / With the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.
Day after day / Day after day.
'You with yer brand new shoes and / You with yer greasy hair and / You with yer mother's pride and poetry / Don't you want to feel the shame?"...
In the dancehalls / Can't you feel the shame?
And the TV / Can't you feel the shame?
We loved you... / Shame / In the dancehalls and the cinema
Shame / On the TV and the media / Shame / We loved you / At the Lido and the opera / Shame / At the races / And the theatre / Shame / We loved you.
And they said all we need is love / All we need is love / With the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.
Day after day / Day after day.
bye bye american pie, drove my chevy to the Levy but...
... the Levy was dry.
je dessinais l'intérieur du wagon. A cours de sujet, train à quai je tourne la tête vers l'extérieur et je commence à dessiner un homme à la parka au col rouge. Quand j'arrive à sa tête je constate qu'un superbe sourire illumine son visage. Il m'observait depuis le début, depuis l'arrêt.
Tout sourire. Irradiant. Je me suis mis a sourire aussi. et je lui ai montré le dessin en lui disant que j'allais continuer. il a levé le pouce en guise d'accord et d'encouragement! L'arroseur arrosé!
calor maxima
En vol
Je dessinais dans l'avion entre Tokyo et Paris et les dames à ma droite regardaient ce que je faisais. Nous avons discuté par l'entremise de l'hôtesse. Elles croyaient que j'étais un artiste! Moi! C'étaient des japonaises en voyage pour l'Europe. Extrêmement Sympathiques! Elles ont feuilleté le carnet en reconnaissant les endroits du japon que j'avais dessiné et en me faisant comprendre que c'était chez elles. Je leur ai montré le grand carnet également et elles ont beaucoup apprécié apparemment! Quel bonheur!
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